






会议和讨论: 1. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss this further. 2. I'd like to call this meeting to order. 3. Can you give us an update on the project's progress? 4. I'd like to hear everyone's input on this matter. 5. We need to brainstorm some new ideas. 6. Please stick to the agenda. 7. I'd like to propose a motion. 8. What are the action items from this meeting? 9. Let's wrap up the meeting.

电话沟通: 10. May I speak with Mr. Smith, please? 11. Could you please hold for a moment? 12. I'll transfer your call to the appropriate department. 13. I'm calling to follow up on our previous conversation. 14. Can you please leave a message? 15. I'll make sure to relay the message. 16. We can arrange a conference call.

邮件写作: 17. I'm writing to inquire about... 18. Please find attached the requested documents. 19. I'm pleased to inform you that... 20. I apologize for the delay in my response. 21. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. 22. I look forward to your feedback.

商务谈判: 23. We need to find a mutually beneficial solution. 24. Let's negotiate the terms of the contract. 25. Can you make a counteroffer? 26. We need to reach a compromise. 27. What are your terms and conditions? 28. We are open to discussing the pricing.



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